5 things Octavia E. Butler can teach us in a time of COVID-19
At the beginning of the year I posted a tweet that said “The Parable Series by Octavia Butler is your required reading for 2020.” In my head, I was preparing for the next four years, or 2024, when we begin our quest with Lauren Oya Olamina, the main character in the series. I was not prepared for what would happen in the next few months.
“If any of the similarities we find between her work and our world come as a surprise, then we haven’t been paying attention. ”
If the global pandemic reminded me of anything, it reminded me that Octavia E. Butler still has a lot to teach us. I want to share just 5 things that her Parable Series teaches us about navigating times like these; times of change and uncertainty. Many call her work prophetic, and in some ways I can agree. But her work isn’t prophetic in that it can predict the future. If any of the similarities we find between her work and our world come as a surprise, then we haven’t been paying attention. Butler’s work is prophetic because it speaks truth, because it reads the writing on the wall. Butler’s words in 1993 serve as a warning of where we could end up if we don’t change. And, well, can any of us be surprised at this point?
What’s special about Butler’s work is that it doesn’t leave us without hope. It is a sobering hope, but hope nonetheless. This is because those who are fans of Butler know that there is no such thing as easy answers, or happy ever afters. Instead, she invites us into ways of living, into possibilities of existence when all other options seem to fail. These five lessons are not exhaustive in any way, but are meant to offer just a glimpse into the brilliance of Butler. You will find that each of these lessons are accompanied by a passage from the Books of the Living, which is the sacred text of Earthseed (one of the main religions in the series). I encourage others to add to the list, and share the lessons you have learned.
Change is inevitable. Adapt!
“All that you touch you change
All that you change changes you
The only lasting truth is change
God is change”
These words frame the entirety of the religion Earthseed, a community formed by Lauren after she realizes that she can no longer buy into the Christian (Baptist) faith of her father. Throughout the series change becomes the constant, driving force that propels Lauren and the rest of the characters together as they move North toward opportunity and safety. Because God is change, change becomes something that is welcomed and expected, and not something to be resisted. It is a lesson that we must embrace in these next few months. Change is coming, and in fact it is here. Do not resist it, embrace it. Adapt!
It’s not about you
“Beware: at war or at peace, more people die of unenlightened self-interest than of any other disease.”
One thing that change does is that it helps us understand what is important in life. These sobering words offer a warning to those who feel invincible when it comes to change (or disease). Your self interest won’t save you, and in fact may kill someone else, even someone you love. Your actions affect others, whether you intend to or not. Heed these words, or others may suffer the consequences.
Be Kind
“Kindness eases change”
Those who suffer at the hands of the world under COVID-19 don’t just suffer physically, and all physical suffering are not due to the disease. Domestic violence, depression and anxiety, and suicide are other factors at play in the midst of fear and “shelter-in-place” protocols. Racism against Asians and Asian Americans are on the rise, resulting from fear, anger, hate, and misinformation. But hate, fear, and violence will never be gateways to life, and will always result in our digging deeper into the realities that birthed them in the first place. The only way to ease change is through kindness. In a world where hate, fear, and violence are encouraged as a way to maintain power and oppression, kindness becomes one of our most powerful political tools. Be kind to one another, especially when they don’t expect you to.
Partnership is life
“Partnership is giving, taking, learning, teaching, offering the greatest possible benefit while doing the least possible harm. Partnership is mutualistic symbiosis. Partnership is life. Any entity, any process that cannot or should not be resisted or avoided must somehow be partnered. Partner one another. Partner diverse communities. Partner life. Partner any world that is your home. Partner God. Only in partnership can we thrive, grow, Change. Only in partnership can we live”
If there is anything we need more of at this time it is partnership. Butler reminds us that we cannot do this alone, we must partner one another if we are to live. Partnership is life. Share resources, create bartering economies, take only what you need and help those find what they need. Care for one another.
We can do the impossible
“We can, each of us, do the impossible as long as we can convince ourselves that it has been done before.”
Throughout history, humankind has had to go through unspeakable hardships. Whether war, famine, genocide, or natural disaster, we found a way to survive. Each time it took more than we thought we had to give. We came together, spoke truth to power, and took care of one another. Each time our world as we knew it was changed. This time is no different. We must be prepared for whatever change throws our way. Through kindness and partnership, by honoring our elders and our dead, and by caring for each other and the land, we can get through this.