Y. Joy Harris-Smith, Ph.D
This week’s feature is nominated by Peace Lee. She writes a reflection below:
Some of you may know that my journey of living into my call of preaching and entering the field of homiletics was awakened when I first saw a woman preach at PTS. Before I was 25, I didn’t think it was possible that I could be called to preach. I had never seen a woman preach in an ordinary Sunday service before. When I entered PTS it was with the purpose of becoming a college chaplain or pastoral counselor or a youth minister. There are also many scholars, pastors and friends I can name who have paved my path and helped me to stay in this journey but I can honestly say that Yvette Joy Harris-Smith was singular in her impact. When I preached tremblingly at a community preaching event at PTS, Dr Harris Smith’s encouragement and blessing chased away the last remaining doubt and shadows of patriarchal religion. She gifted me a mug - now shattered but one I can never lose - with my name with a blessing for me. She wrote me cards and texted me. She not only shared my sermons in her workshops but more than that shared the feedback and words of encouragement from other preachers who blessed and affirmed my voice. When I was navigating a very difficult discernment period, she helped me tune into the Spirit and set me free from all other worries and expectations. I wouldn’t be here today without this incredible professor, prophet, mentor, and friend. I’m filled with joy today and celebrate all of her accomplishments and join the many voices that honor and acknowledge her today.

Y. Joy Harris-Smith, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in Speech Communication in Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary
Tell us who you are!
I am a humble warrior, a champion. Incidentally, this is what my name "Yvette" means. I am also Joy personified! I am one who stands on the shoulders of my ancestors known and unknown. I am a wonderful idea brought into fruition by the Creator of this Universe--who I sometimes call God. I am the daughter of Crystal & Charles Harris. The sister of Sidney and Matthew Harris. The wife of Leon Smith. The mother of Asa and Eden Smith. I am a professor, a teacher, an educator. I am a connection maker and a revealer of hidden things. A lover of culture, communication, creativity and humanity.
What inspires you?
Professor Najeeba Syed. I follow her on Instagram. I'm just impressed with her coalition building and the way she is present for those of other faiths while still representing her own. This is my goal. To support others in being and showing up as their best selves--and STILL retain my own identity.
What are one or two lessons you carry with you each day?
1. The pen is mightier than the sword (My mama would always say this).
2. Only speak after you've listened 'cause you can't take it back once its been said.
What are you working on?
So, there are a couple of projects. However, I am currently developing a course entitled "Vocalizing English Translations in Contemporary Times." My desire is that students understand that the personal is the political and even the translations which some denominations hold dear have baggage. As much as we would like to believe we are objective--we are not. The second thing I would like for students to take from the course is to not only be true to the text but care for the people who are in front of you. And this is accomplished by thinking through which translation of the text you use and why you are using it.
How do you connect spirituality/religion in your work?
When I'm in my garden I am reminded that from the dust I have come and to dust I will return. I remember stories from the bible and realize the power of not only reading the text but engaging in practices that connect me. I understand now why some stories resonate. When I am with my children I am reminded to be present in the moment--and moments are what our journeys are made of.
What is one piece of advice you give to women who are going to preach for the first time?
There is so much that I can say! Often I remind women that they are treasures in earthen vessels—women don’t hear this enough! [They too have been]...given a voice by God to be used in this moment—so trust God and trust yourself.