Lenise "Harmony" Halley
When I met Harmony is the Fall of 2016, she was finishing up her MDiv and I was beginning work on my PhD. We connected through a group, Black Sabbath, which was a safe space for Black students to process what was happening in America. Through the many years that I have known her, she has offered her whole self to those she loves. Harmony is always full of life. Having made a major health change and transition shortly before we met, she dedicates her work to helping others do the same. Through fitness, self care, life coaching, and spirituality, Harmony walks with clients and friends every step of the way. The greatest lesson that many have learned through her example is to take charge of your health and wellbeing, and to not simply settle for what someone may tell you. She faces every challenge from a holistic perspective. Sick? Call the doctor AND drink this onion tea. Dealing with anxiety? Go to the therapist, and exercise, meditate and get a reiki session for good measure. Harmony teaches that there is never just one way to thrive, you can have it all! There’s room sis!

Lenise “Harmony” Halley, CEO of GotHarmony
Tell us who you are!
I am a Master Personal Trainer, Professional Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Arbonne Consultant. I help people discover the healthiest versions of themselves.
What inspires you?
I am constantly motivated by the healthy lifestyle I have created and the progress of all of my clients.
What are one or two lessons you carry with you each day?
First, I am in control of how I think and navigate life. Second, others are responsible for how they think and navigate life.
What are you working on?
I am working on developing my healthiest nutritional habits but furthering my understanding of nutrition through the Precision Nutrition certification program.
How do you connect spirituality/religion in your work?
I connect spiritually in a wide variety of ways such as meditation, practicing Reiki, prayer, fellowship and/or spiritual discussions and music.
What is your favorite way to treat yourself?
Awww there are so many!!! I love the sweat from a great workout. I love a good session at “All you can eat sushi,” a great massage and/or Reiki session. Listening to a great book while gardening or riding my bike. I can’t chose which one is my favorite.